Restorative Dentistry

Reclaim & Maintain Great Oral Health

You may think that restorative dentistry centers on placing dental fillings and crowns. Though these two common procedures are part of restorative dentistry, fillings and crowns don’t convey the whole picture. With an eye for beauty and a comprehensive understanding of the oral system, Dr. Uyen Nguyen blends health, longevity, and esthetics to consistently deliver optimal results.

The health and alignment of your teeth, gums and other soft tissues, jawbone and jaw joints are important considerations when building a treatment plan. Not only do your teeth and gums need to be strong and disease-free, but a balanced bite is imperative. “Bite” or occlusion refers to how upper and lower teeth fit together when your mouth is closed. Occlusion affects tooth wear, as well as the TMJs (temporomandibular joints or jaw joints). A balanced bite protects the teeth and jaw joints from injury.

Restorative dentistry in our Marietta dental practice includes: composite fillings, dental crowns, extractions, periodontal care, bridges, partials, and dentures. Here, you’ll learn about each, and if you want to schedule an appointment or have questions, call Marietta Premier Dental at 770-973-8183.

Composite Fillings & Crowns
Periodontal Care
Bridges & Partials
Dental Implants

Only 1% of humans go through life without a single cavity, so chances are you’ll need at least one dental filling at some point during your lifetime. Fillings repair teeth with cavities. After removing dead tissue and infection, Dr. Nguyen uses a custom-tinted composite resin to fill the cavity (hole) and restore comfortable oral function, as well as good oral health. Fillings are created as they’re placed, chairside in our office.

For large cavities, chips, cracks, and significant tooth wear, dental crowns provide structural support. First, Dr. Nguyen cleans the damaged tooth and prepares it to receive a dental crown. After taking dental impressions and securing a temporary crown, the dentist will send her blueprint and your records to our lab. There, a technician will fabricate your custom-fitted crown from white ceramic, porcelain fused to metal (PFM), metal, or zirconia. A dental crown takes two appointments.

Dr. Nguyen knows that keeping your natural teeth is the best option, but sometimes tooth extraction is unavoidable. She may recommend extraction:

  • As a prerequisite for orthodontic treatment
  • In preparation for full dentures
  • If a tooth is internally infected and dying/dead
  • If a tooth is injured beyond repair

Research shows that after a single tooth is lost or removed, if it’s not replaced the chance of losing additional teeth increases. Therefore, any tooth that’s extracted due to damage, rather than in preparation for a particular treatment, should be replaced with a bridge or implant crown.

The word “periodontal” means relating to the structures that support teeth, namely jawbone, gum tissue, and connective tissues. Periodontal care, then, simply means taking care of your gums and jawbone. In addition to your daily brushing and flossing routine, you need to attend dental cleanings two times each year.

If you develop gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis), a deep cleaning can eliminate the plaque and bacteria causing the infection. Deep dental cleaning involves scaling and root planing. To scale teeth, the hygienist or doctor removes plaque and bacteria from below the gum line. Root planing smoothes rough areas on teeth roots, reducing the ledges where plaque and bacteria tend to gather. These treatments, coupled with periodic measuring of gum pocket depths to check progress, can restore gums to good health, in most cases. Advanced periodontitis cases will be referred to a periodontist for surgery.

To replace lost teeth, bridges and partials are the gold standard. A bridge replaces one to four teeth in a row, while partials replace multiple teeth that aren’t necessarily in a row.

Missing teeth leave room for the surrounding teeth to drift into those empty spaces. This movement may increase a person’s risk of dental decay and periodontal disease, leading to more tooth loss. Dental bridges and partials offer numerous benefits to patients facing these risks, including improved biting function, chewing ability, speech, and facial structures.

Partials, also called partial dentures, are removable for easy cleaning. These consist of pontics placed on a framework with clasps that attach to healthy teeth. To qualify for a partial denture, the patient needs strong teeth in specific locations for the partial to attach. If a partial isn’t possible, the patient can opt for extractions and a full denture. Bridges, full and partial, last 10 to 15 years in patients with good oral health.

Dentures are an affordable and realistic-looking option for patients who need a full arch of teeth replaced due to natural tooth loss or extractions. Complete dentures include a full set of natural-looking artificial teeth and a gum-colored plate. Dentures are removable and easy to clean, and improve the patient’s ability to eat, drink, and speak all while boosting self-confidence.

Dental implants are made up of three parts: the implant, abutment, and crown. These work together to fully replace a missing tooth. It is the only restorative dentistry option that replaces the tooth crown AND root, which is what makes it the most popular and successful tooth replacement option.

Implants provide a strong foundation for dental crowns, partials, and dentures. They improve the patient’s speech, chewing ability, oral health, and confidence.


Dental Check-ups & Cleanings


Minimally Invasive Smile Design

Your Marietta Restorative Dentist

If you need restorative dentistry or would like a second opinion regarding a treatment plan, we invite you to visit us. As a woman, Dr. Nguyen has a gentle hand and compassionate chairside manner. She and our team can help you reclaim excellent oral health and comfortable function. Call Dr. Nguyen at Marietta Premier Dental at 770-973-8183 to schedule your appointment.