Cosmetic Dentistry

Beautiful Smiles & Self Esteem

In Marietta, Dr. Uyen Nguyen provides comprehensive cosmetic dentistry. When you smile, both you and those around you benefit, according to science and polls. When you smile, your body releases chemicals that boost mood, including dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin, into your brain. You can even trick yourself into the benefits of smiling by forcing a smile.

When you notice someone else smiling, mirror neurons cause you to smile in reaction. In addition, a poll by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) found that in addition to its infectious nature, an attractive smile makes a person appear friendlier, smarter, wealthier, and interesting.

The American Dental Association (ADA) chimed in with its own study about smiling. It found that one in four, that’s 25%, of Americans aren’t happy with the appearance of their smile. Of this number, 20% experience anxiety about the look of their smile.

With the myriad benefits smiling yields, you should love your smile! If you don’t, cosmetic dentistry can transform the size, shape, and color of your teeth to create a smile you will adore. Dr. Uyen Nguyen, through a custom cosmetic dentistry plan, wants to give you the self-confidence and happiness triggered by a beautiful smile.

Cosmetic dentistry in our Marietta dental practice includes: porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding, gum contouring, and teeth whitening. Here, you’ll learn about each, and if you want to schedule an appointment or have questions, call Marietta Premier Dental at 770-973-8183.

Porcelain Veneers
Gum Contouring
Bonding and Tooth Contouring
Teeth Whitening

Some call porcelain veneers the instant smile makeover. Veneers can alter the shape, alignment, color, and size of the front teeth that show when a person smiles. We say these teeth are “in the smile zone.”

If you and Dr. Nguyen determine that veneers are the right choice to enhance your smile’s appearance, you’ll need to attend two or three appointments. You’ll wear temporary veneers for a week or two while our lab creates the permanent restorations.

Each veneer is handcrafted according to Dr. Nguyen’s design plan to blend seamlessly next to untreated teeth. Your veneers will also maintain or correct bite issues (how upper and lower teeth fit together).

A “gummy smile” is the term we use for short, stubby teeth. There’s a treasure beneath the gums of gummy smiles: beautiful, proportionally sized teeth! By removing some gum tissue with a procedure known as gum contouring, Dr. Nguyen can change your stubby teeth into beautiful, big, bold pearly whites that contribute to the overall look of a head-turning smile.

In some patients, the gums aren’t even, making one or two teeth appear substantially larger than the others. A simple gum contouring procedure can correct an uneven gumline to deliver a pleasing, symmetrical smile.

Cosmetic bonding and tooth contouring are speedy cosmetic dentistry procedures. With bonding, we apply custom-tinted composite resin to correct chips, close gaps, and alter the shape of specific teeth. Excellent daily hygiene is important for bonded teeth because stains can accumulate in the seam where resin meets tooth enamel. Bonding is a good precursor to veneers. In some cases, bonding produces similar results, but with a shorter lifespan.

Tooth contouring is a subtractive procedure. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Nguyen removes rough edges from teeth to make them appear more perfect. For small dental chips and sharp canines, contouring can replace the need for a veneer, or crown, or bonding. If bonding and/or contouring are right for your case, Dr. Nguyen will explain the specifics before your treatment.

Who doesn’t love a bold, white smile? If the years have left stains on your teeth, professional, chemical teeth whitening can turn back the clock on your facial appearance. Extrinsic dental stains, those caused by outside sources, often stem from using tobacco, drinking coffee, tea, or wine, and consuming dark foods.

The home teeth whitening kits we recommend allow you to brighten your smile in the comfort of your own home, on your schedule. Simply wear the trays as instructed, and in only a few days, you’ll notice the transformative results. When your enamel discolors again, repeat the treatment and call our office for supplies when needed.

Porcelain Veneers
Gum Contouring
Bonding and Tooth Contouring
Teeth Whitening

Some call porcelain veneers the instant smile makeover. Veneers can alter the shape, alignment, color, and size of the front teeth that show when a person smiles. We say these teeth are “in the smile zone.”

If you and Dr. Nguyen determine that veneers are the right choice to enhance your smile’s appearance, you’ll need to attend two or three appointments. You’ll wear temporary veneers for a week or two while our lab creates the permanent restorations.

Each veneer is handcrafted according to Dr. Nguyen’s design plan to blend seamlessly next to untreated teeth. Your veneers will also maintain or correct bite issues (how upper and lower teeth fit together).

A “gummy smile” is the term we use for short, stubby teeth. There’s a treasure beneath the gums of gummy smiles: beautiful, proportionally sized teeth! By removing some gum tissue with a procedure known as gum contouring, Dr. Nguyen can change your stubby teeth into beautiful, big, bold pearly whites that contribute to the overall look of a head-turning smile.

In some patients, the gums aren’t even, making one or two teeth appear substantially larger than the others. A simple gum contouring procedure can correct an uneven gumline to deliver a pleasing, symmetrical smile.

Cosmetic bonding and tooth contouring are speedy cosmetic dentistry procedures. With bonding, we apply custom-tinted composite resin to correct chips, close gaps, and alter the shape of specific teeth. Excellent daily hygiene is important for bonded teeth because stains can accumulate in the seam where resin meets tooth enamel. Bonding is a good precursor to veneers. In some cases, bonding produces similar results, but with a shorter lifespan.

Tooth contouring is a subtractive procedure. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Nguyen removes rough edges from teeth to make them appear more perfect. For small dental chips and sharp canines, contouring can replace the need for a veneer, or crown, or bonding. If bonding and/or contouring are right for your case, Dr. Nguyen will explain the specifics before your treatment.

Who doesn’t love a bold, white smile? If the years have left stains on your teeth, professional, chemical teeth whitening can turn back the clock on your facial appearance. Extrinsic dental stains, those caused by outside sources, often stem from using tobacco, drinking coffee, tea, or wine, and consuming dark foods.

The home teeth whitening kits we recommend allow you to brighten your smile in the comfort of your own home, on your schedule. Simply wear the trays as instructed, and in only a few days, you’ll notice the transformative results. When your enamel discolors again, repeat the treatment and call our office for supplies when needed.


Dental Check-ups & Cleanings


Tooth Damage & Repair

Schedule Your Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation Today

A cosmetic dentistry consultation can be a brief conversation about your smile’s potential. If you’re a new patient, the appointment may involve a review of your dental and medical history, x-rays if necessary, and a comprehensive oral exam. Dr. Nguyen will take time to discuss your concerns and expectations before recommending a cosmetic dentistry treatment plan. Call 770-973-8183 now to schedule your appointment.